Monday, May 4, 2009

Expect Moore…a note from our president

The countdown to the end of the school year is on, but our work is not done yet. We still have
several things to plan before the end of school.

Our Dodd family movie night is going to be postponed until the end of May. Students and
parents can come with their blankets and pillows or lawn chairs and join us in the Dodd gym
to watch “Hotel for Dogs”. We will be serving popcorn & drinks. Watch for more information to
be coming home with your child.

Field Day is Friday, May 15. This is such a fun day for the students at Dodd. Thank you so much to the parents that have volunteered to help with this exciting day. We appreciate your help and I’m sure your child will be excited to have you there.

Staff Appreciation week is May 4-8. Let us all show our AWESOME Dodd staff how much we appreciate the hard work they do each and every day.

As always, thank you to all of our volunteers. There are so many volunteer opportunities
available throughout the year and for those of you that step up, please know that we appreciate you and couldn’t do it without you!!

We are still in need of chairman for next year to oversee field day, spirit wear and environmental. If you are interested, please let me know.

Allison Moore
Dodd PTA President

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