Thursday, November 6, 2008

Expect Moore…a note from our president

All I can say is CARNIVAL, CARNIVAL, CARNIVAL!!! Our carnival is right around the corner on Friday, November 14, from 6-9pm. Thank you to those of you that have donated goods for our silent auction, volunteered to help work the carnival and donated 2 liter bottles & snack cakes. We are still in need of more 2 liter bottles and volunteers to work from 8-9. Please email me if you are interested. I know this will be a very fun family night for all. Don’t forget to check out the silent auction in the library.
We will be having a canned food drive, phone book drive and cell phone drive. Please clean out those drawers and pantries and bring these items to the carnival with you.
We will be kicking off our paper recycling contest on November 14. This year Smith and Groves have decided to join us (I guess we scared Birmingham and Akin away). Please start saving all of that trash mail, holiday catalogs, school papers, etc…. and bring them to the yellow and green “Paper Retriever” bins in the back parking lot of the school. Let’s continue to show that Dodd is the “GREENEST”.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

Allison Moore
Dodd PTA President

Reflections Program 2008-2009

Reflections – WOW What a turn out! We had 96 entries this year for our Reflections Program. The judging is complete and 8 entries are advancing on to the next level. We will honor all students for their achievement in the near future during Dino Beat. All visual art entries will be hung in the hallway. Take some time to stop by and see all the wonderful artist we have at Dodd. Council judging will take place November 30th. Good luck to all those advancing!!

Staff Appreciation

Staff Appreciation: The Staff Member of the Month for October is Stephanie Williams, 3rd Grade teacher. Mrs. Williams was given a gift certificate donated by Uptown Salons on Ballard St. As a reminder, voting for November will continue through the 19th and the winner
announced on Friday, November 21st. Any questions please contact Leslie Simms,

Don't forget to look on to get ideas for birthday and/or Christmas gifts for the teachers.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Leslie Simms
Dodd Staff Appreciation Coordinator