Thursday, August 21, 2008

Expect “Moore” - A Note from your President

Welcome to the 2008-2009 school year! I hope that everyone had an incredible and exciting summer. I look forward to serving as your PTA president. We have a GREAT PTA board this year and are excited about getting the year started. I would like to invite all of you to get involved, as there are many volunteer opportunities here at Dodd Elementary. We have several upcoming events and fundraisers planned and we will be taking a different approach than in previous years.

Although we have several fundraisers planned for this upcoming school session, we are always looking for more innovative and unique ways to raise money for our students and our school. I truly feel that the more active and involved parents become, the more satisfied you will be with the PTA’s efforts to serve our students. We welcome not only your thoughts and opinions, but your time and effort in volunteering as well. It would be amazing to see what we could accomplish if everyone could find a way to contribute.

We are in high hopes that we will not have to resort to catalog fundraiser sales this year. Our two main fundraisers will be a “Welcome Back To School” spaghetti dinner and raffle on Thursday, September 18, and a fall carnival and silent auction planned for November. We hope you will join us for these family events.

The PTA funds many events throughout the school year. We welcome you to come to one of our general PTA meetings to review our budget and get “in the know” about what your PTA is doing. Our 1st general meeting is planned for Tuesday, September 16 at 7:00pm. We will have a representative from WISD here to discuss and answer questions about the upcoming WISD bond election.

Again, I’m very excited to be serving as your PTA president and look forward to a great year.

Allison Moore
Dodd Elementary PTA President

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